Well its about two mouths into planing and production for the first episode NIGHTm.c.a, Its gonna rock so hard!!! Its by far the best thing I have ever made in flash, take a look at the picture below if you don't believe me.
Also for those of you who ask, I already made the first episode about 2 in a half years ago and just posted it a few months ago. the one I'm making now is not quite the same story,the way the story goes now is that the one already posted is more of the second episode, and the one I'm making now is the true first episode, but don't worry, I'll remake the old one too to fit the new style and story. the biggest difference is that I'm a billion times better at animating now, and my writing has improved a lot! so your all in for a real treat.
Oh and I forgot to mention that mkron is making all my music, so it will have an original score as well, you should all check him out.
p.s. look at my old posts if you want to see different pictures from this project
it looks great cant wait